On the other side of the camera
June 26, 2017Recently I got the chance to be on the other side of the camera and to be a model instead of photographing.
The theme was inspired of the Beauty an the Beast love story. Well, I had the honour to be the Beast ;) The Beauty was Miss World Malaga 2016 and the photoshoot took place in a really beautiful place - Cortijo San Joaquin, situated in the mountains near Malaga.
It was not just a regular photoshoot, but quite a huge project where a bunch of professionals collaborated. Every smallest detail was thought-out. If you are getting married and want your wedding to be full of magic, this is definitely your dream-team ;) Be sure to check the contacts below ;)
So - I hope you enjoy the fairy-tale!
I really love this amazing video made by Qmirar: IN THE NAME OF LOVE
Organization and decoration: Cristina Eventos
Facebook: @cristinaeventos.es
Instagram: @cristina_eventos
Location: Cortijo San Joaquín
Facebook: @cortijosanjoaquin
Photographer: Elías Jeria
Facebook: @elias.jeria.fotografo
Instagram: @elias.jeria
Video: Qmirar
Facebook: @qmirar
Instagram: @qmirar
Stationary: El papel de tu día
Facebook: @elpapeldetudia
Instagram: @elpapeldetudia
Female model: Carmen Serrano, Miss Mundo Málaga 2016
Facebook: Carmen Serrano Porras
Instagram: @carmenserrano26
Male model: Artemio Galavera
Facebook: Artemio Galavera
Instagram: @artemiofotos
Yellow dress: Asunción Retamero
Facebook: @designercoutureAsuncionRetamero
Instagram: @AsuncionRetamero
White dress: Jote Martínez
Facebook: @jotemartinezcostura
Instagram: @jotemartinez
Clothing of the Beast: Mann-Vélez Málaga
Facebook: @mann.velezmalaga
MUA: Vanesa Molina Make Up
Facebook: @vanesamolinamakeup
Instagram: @vanesamolinamakeup
Hair: Java Peluqueros
Facebook: Java Peluqueros
Instagram: java_peluqueros
Florist: Labotánica Creación Vegetal
Facebook: @labotanica.creacion
Instagram: @labotanica.creacionvegetal
Crafts: La fabriquita de sueños
Facebook: Cristina Jessica Fabriquita de sueños Campos
Instagram: @lafabriquitadesueños.2016
Shoes of the Beauty: Didi Collection
Facebook: @DIDICollection
Instagram: @didi.collection
Headdress: Tocados en mi rincón
Facebook: Maria Elvira Briones Franco
Instagram: @tocados_en_mi_rincon
Bow tie: Alexia Veder
Facebook: @alexiaveder
Instagram: @alexiaveder
Music: Sehnsucht Agrupaciones
Facebook: @SehnsuchtAgrupaciones
Cake: Dulce y Sweet Designs
Facebook: @dulceysweetdesigns
Instagram: @dulceysweetdesigns